Welcome to SimRacing-SteeringWheel-Hub, your ultimate destination for SimRacing enthusiasts seeking the perfect steering wheel experience. As a passionate individual dedicated to the world of SimRacing, I’ve created a one-of-a-kind database gathering a plethora of high-end steering wheels. At SimRacing-SteeringWheel-Hub, we go beyond the standard specifications provided by manufacturers; we delve into the immersive world of Shifter Sound, Button Sound, Rotaries Sound, and overall noise levels.
Our unique selling point? A comprehensive Sound Database that aids SimRacers worldwide in making informed decisions before purchasing a steering wheel. Whether you share your living space or race in solitude, the volume of your wheel matters. Avoid waking up your loved ones or disturbing your household with our sound comparisons.
This is not just a website; it’s a community-driven passion project. As a private individual, I remain unbiased, allowing users to leave objective comments for each steering wheel. No corporate influence here – just a SimRacing aficionado sharing insights and knowledge.
Stay tuned for regular updates, as I continually expand the database. And here’s where you come in – support this endeavor by sharing videos of your steering wheels. If you own a custom wheel, provide a link to the manufacturer and the wheel’s name.
SimRacing-SteeringWheel-Hub is more than a website; it’s a journey into the heart of SimRacing. Engage with a community that shares your passion, and join us on this exciting ride. Your perfect SimRacing setup is just a click away. Get ready for a legendary experience that transcends borders!